Making Friends

(or “Where is Book 7??)

*Note from the creator*

It’s been over 20 years now since a good friend of mine killed himself and from that experience came Six In The Mourning. (Wow….just dive right in, huh?). That’s pretty blunt, but maybe that’s my point. It’s jarring, it’s unexpected, a lot of life can be like that. Pencils down. Done.

So what if you followed along this whole time and the series just ends? No Book 7. It ends abruptly. Painfully. Without warning. Confronted with Obituary.

You’d feel angry. Cheated possibly. “That’s it?!?” would most likely be the response.

Well it’s not, so relax a bit. Book 7 is coming.

(Could you imagine something designed to be so uncomfortably meta?)

Anyway…I’ve been working on this for a long….long time. And yes, the catalyst for this series was a long time ago. But that experience, that pain is very fresh and very new to a LOT of people unfortunately. And that’s why you’re reading this online and not in print (at the moment). I wanted to make this easily available to the broken, the people it was meant for so they could find it late at night, numb and absently searching. Like a message in a bottle in the form of a little independent comic.

Here-a group of damaged friends getting through a tough time, too. Maybe (hopefully) you’d feel a little less alone.

Book 7 will conclude the main story. And since this entire series was plotted and sketched out by a considerably younger me I felt the style (like so much of this graphic novel) could evolve a bit in how this all concludes. I didn’t want it to end quite as abruptly, I wanted a fuller sense of let’s call it “closure”. So I kept drawing what was there initially and it is just expanding.

Not everything plays out in a set predetermined amount of time. Sometimes things take a little longer. But working and working hard to improve something, anything towards the positive, is a much better route to follow.

And even though it’s only seven issues, I’ve been riding with them for twenty some years…

So maybe I’m not ready just yet to say goodbye to this group of friends. And maybe you needed a little more time to find them.

So thank you for being friends with this series.

Take a minute at a rest stop, there’s more road ahead.


(Make no mistake though…Obituary is coming.)